Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that Internet services can be used either without specifying their data at all, or acting under selected pseudonyms. This is how it is accepted on the web, and the same rules apply to the services of the Media Bot. We believe that every user has the right to anonymity.
When registering on a Media Bot, users must provide reliable and complete information about themselves. The media Bot never discloses such information (except when required by law, and in accordance with the terms of "Privacy Policy") and does not verify it, relying on the integrity of its users.
However, the anonymity of users does not exempt them from the obligation to comply with legal requirements and conditions User Agreement. If a complaint is received about the user's actions, and when checking it, the fact of violation is indeed confirmed, we take measures: for example, we delete the content posted by the user.
But we cannot always determine whether the user's actions constitute a violation, because in some cases such a right is granted by law only to the parties to the conflict themselves, or to authorized state bodies or the court. In such a situation, a Media Bot does not have the right to replace the authorized bodies and try to qualify the user's actions. This is where the principle of "restricting the rights of anonymous content" comes into effect: we suggest that the complainant and the user stop being anonymous and resolve the disputed issue — independently or with the help of government agencies or the court.
In practice, it looks like this:
When we receive such a complaint, we suggest that its author send a reasoned statement describing the claims to the Media Bot. The application must contain sufficient data to identify the applicant and the exact address of the placement of materials on the Internet resources of the Media Bot. Upon receiving such an application, we block access to the materials listed in the application. If the user who posted them provided his contact information during registration, we additionally send him a notification about the closure of access to the materials in connection with the complaint received.
Upon discovering that access to his materials is blocked, the user can either delete the disputed materials or notify the Media Bot that he is ready to settle all claims related to their placement, since he believes that the placement of materials on the Media Bot's resources is legitimate. Without such a statement, the disputed materials will be deleted automatically.
Both the user's statement and the complainant's statement must contain all the necessary data to establish their identity and contact them. After receiving the user's statement, we provide the parties to the conflict with the information they need to discuss the issue among themselves, and open access to the disputed materials. If in the future the Media Bot receives documents confirming that the dispute about the possibility of posting such materials on the Media Bot's resources has been resolved in favor of the complainant, the materials will be deleted.
Such a procedure allows each of the interested parties to take all measures provided for by current legislation to protect their rights and freedoms.