The media bot provides users with the ability to store, search and exchange, sell/buy information.
Before posting content on our servers, users accept the terms of the The User Agreement, according to which they undertake not to post illegal materials or content that violates the rights of third parties.
We understand that unscrupulous users violate both our rules and the law, and we take all measures in our power to stop the offenses that we become aware of. Our company has adopted standard schemes for responding to complaints and allegations of violations of the rights of third parties that are committed using our services.
If you believe that any material posted by a user of the Media Bot services violates your rights, try contacting this user directly and informing him of your claims - sometimes this is enough to resolve the conflict.
If the situation requires the intervention of a Media Bot, send us a valid complaint using one of the following methods:
- through the form in the bot;
- scanned to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . .
Please do not file false complaints. Make sure that the disputed material really violates your rights. If you are not sure if your rights have been violated or what those rights are, consult a lawyer.
Specify in the complaint:
- Data to identify your identity.
- Grounds for complaint — what kind of material on the site violates your rights and what is this violation:give the exact name of the material;
- specify the exact addresses (URLs) of the pages where it is posted;
- write down which of your rights are violated by this material.
- Attention. The complaint must be signed by the person whose rights are violated by the posted material, or by his representative. The right to act in the interests of the applicant must be confirmed by a power of attorney issued in accordance with the law and attached to the application.
After receiving a complaint about a violation of user rights, we block access to the materials listed in the complaint. If the user who posted them provided his contact details during registration, we additionally send him a notification that access to these materials is closed due to a complaint received. In case of multiple violations, the Media Bot can delete the accounts of the violators at its discretion.
The user who receives the claims can either delete the disputed materials, or send a counter-statement to the Media Bot that he is ready to settle the claims, since he believes that posting these materials on the Media Bot's resources is legitimate. A counter-statement is accepted either personally from the applicant at any office of the Media Bot, or with a notarized signature of the applicant by mail. Without a counter-statement, the disputed materials will remain blocked and will be deleted automatically over time.
The user who receives the claims can either delete the disputed materials, or send a counter-statement to the Media Bot that he is ready to settle the claims, since he believes that posting these materials on the Media Bot's resources is legitimate. A counter-statement is accepted either personally from the applicant at the offices of the Media Bot at the specified addresses, or with a notarized signature of the applicant by mail.
Office addresses
Without a counter-statement, the disputed materials will remain blocked and will be deleted automatically over time.
The statement of the user who posted the disputed materials and the statement of the complainant must contain all the necessary data to establish their identity and contact them.
After receiving the user's counter-statement, we transfer information to the parties to the conflict to discuss this issue among themselves, and open access to disputed materials. If in the future the Media Bot receives documents confirming that the dispute has been resolved in favor of the complainant, the materials will be blocked.